Our Classrooms

We believe that our classrooms belong to the children. Each classroom reflects the personalities, interests and gifts of the children who occupy that space. Each classroom encourages the children’s sense of ownership of and responsibility for the classroom. 

Our classrooms are thoughtfully planned and engaging environments that the children approach each day full of choice and exploration. 

We also understand that for most children, this is their first time in a daily environment outside of their own homes. Our inviting classrooms are created with these things in mind.


Our classrooms provide balanced centers that include:

  • open-ended art materials encouraging process-oriented art

  • tabletop manipulatives that challenge fine motor skills

  • materials for sensory and scientific exploration

  • library/reading areas exposing children to literacy throughout the day

  • social-interaction and collaboration in play

    -cooperative block building

    -role-playing and imaginative play


Our 2s Classrooms


Our 3s Classrooms


Our 4s Classrooms